by admin | May 20, 2014 | YPBlog
YP Ministries has been partnering in ministry for almost a year with Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Gainesville, FL. The youth ministry went through a transition there not long ago. They have hired Kristen Bryant as the Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator. There is a small but dedicated group of Sr. High people who have truly bonded and now have been lifted up and trained as leaders. The youth have talked a lot about why people put down other people instead of lifting them up. So… the youth have created a vision which is: Lift and Let Lift! The are working on a couple of “big ideas,” mission projects and ongoing ministry. They are on fire. The YP Ministry team has led them through the visioning and development process, helped them raise up and train adult leaders and they have one more module for their Sr. High people to complete the After Damascus training. LIFT AND LET...
by admin | May 10, 2014 | YPBlog
YP Ministries has entered into a Journey Together Partnership with seven small churches in the Diocese of Florida called “Youth Initiative Project” (YIP). These hold something in common in that they have few active young people in their congregations but have a burning desire to develop a strong youth presence in each place. A special thanks to Bishop John Howard for his support of this project and for the Diocesan funding of it through a special fund for congregational development. Also, YP Ministries deeply appreciates the support of Doug Walker, Diocesan Development officer, and The Rev. Wiley Ammons, Canon for Youth Ministries. On May 9-10, 2014, adults from these seven congregations gathered totalling almost 50 people. They eagerly participated in the visioning process and each church group came away with an exciting vision and plan for the future. Nine YP Ministry team members are involved in this project with these special congregations. The next session will be held August 15-16 and will be the first module of the Being Barnabas training. We will keep you posted on the exciting things that are happening to develop a thriving youth presence in each...
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