A Testimonial from Trinity Melrose

Fr John,

You should know that the time and effort put forth in your seminars is proving immensely valuable to us.

Your staff demonstrated expert competence was genuinely interested in the subject. The material covered was relevant to the goals we had, and was inspirational to many of us that had previously been ‘banging our heads’ trying to find a better way to promote real youth interest in our churches.

I was happy to report to our congregation today how much last weekend affected our youth; I overheard comments of being “thankful for the increased joint efforts between our small churches” (Trinity and St Mark’s), I witnessed an outspoken young lady direct her focus to others, and one of our youth has already completed his application for April’s Happening! Our adult volunteers seemed deeper in their commitments to youth ministry…

What more could we have asked of your program!

Many thanks. I’m looking forward to the next chapter!
